Help Me

I need all of your help to bwe a succesful teacher. I would appreciate any kind of feedback good or bad.


Friday, February 26, 2010

My First Full Day

Today was my first full day with my pre-schoolers. I arrived at 8:30 am. The kids only go an half a day which is from 9 to 11:20. The structure of the class is very chaotic. When the kids arrive they are aspected to sit at different tables and do activites. They can do puzzles, color, or look at a globe. Most of the students do not pay attention to this rule they just talk about the different things that went on the night before or what are there plans for the weekend. this reminds me of being in high school all over again. Then a song is played and the kids go over to the carpet. At the carpet they will talk about their letter of the day and say the pledge. After that the kids go back to their activities around the room for about an hour. Next is time for play time. We take the students in the basemnt for play time. After play time it is back upstairs for carpet time the kids get a book out for 5 minutes and then time for the weather. They say the date and time. Last but not least is snack time. All the students get one snack and then the day is over. I feel that the students are not doing anything with substance. I want them to learn and have fun at the same time. I love the kids though they are genuin and good hearted.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Thoughts

My name is Lillian Evans and I am a freshman at Mount Union College. I am an Early Childhood Education Major with a minor in Spanish. I am involved in many different organizations on campus such as; the Black Student Union, Inspirational Voices of Praise, and Raider Programming Board. Theses different organizations keep me very busy and involved in school activities. I hope to Study abroad my senior year and student teach at a school either in Spain or Australia. I am starting my observation hours this week at a local pre-school. I am very excited about hands on learning because I feel that is the best way to learn. I will love sharing my experiences with you and hope you will respond to mine and give me some of your own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Blog

Hey Everyone!

This is my first blog! I'm super excited about it. Hope you enjoy it and give me some feed back. I want to be a great teacher and hope you can help me!