Help Me

I need all of your help to bwe a succesful teacher. I would appreciate any kind of feedback good or bad.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Planting Day

Today the kids planted grass seeds in order to learn about how they grow. They were able to decorate a cup (pot) so their plants would like their home. All the kids decorated except for one. This one little boy is does not like to do things if he does not come up with the idea himself. No matter how much I tried to tell him how fun it was going to be and how his plant will be sad if it does not have a decorated cup he would not do it. In away I felt the other kids did the coloring because I was at the activity table and told them how fun it will be. The young boy I want him to be excited about the activities we are doing but I just do not know how to get him involved. He likes to act out and have trantrums. The other kids make fun of him for crying daily but he does not seem to mind. I just wonder if he is not being challenged enough and is just becoming bored.

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