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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Leprachaun

Last week the kids made Leprachauns for St. Patricks Day. They made them by putting dirt into a cup and planting grass in it. The also made a journal in order to keep the process of their little friends. The kids were very excited making them because they were able to decorate the pot (cup) and when the grass grows they are able to give it a hair cut. Everyday the students woluld have to water the grass and also draw a picture of what they saw the grass doing. It was good to see the kids excited about taking care of something that was their own. It taught them responsiblity for caring for their own plant. It also shows them how things grow with the right products.


  1. I did similar activities with my former 5th graders. They really enjoyed caring for plants. I often had several students begging to care for them before/after school, during the holidays, etc. After a few weeks, we added animals (anoles, crickets, meal worms). You can only imagine how much fun that was for them!

  2. This sounds like a great activity to show the kids responsibility, which is really important for kindergardener's to learn. It sounds like a great way to get the kids ready for spring and also I like the idea of having extra activities to go along with it, like drawing the progress of the grass. It must have been cute to have seen them giving the grass haircuts and decorate their own pots (cups). I honestly wish I got to do this when I was in kindergarden.
