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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Diversity Teaching

Teaching diversity at a young age is very important. This helps students understand the importance for differences and the joy of them too. Different ways to do this is by celebrating other cultural holidays. Have fun with this because it will be educational and enjoyable. Also, take time to do more than one cultures so that others do not feel left out. I don’t want to teach them religion, but inform them of different kinds of cultures. When I do this I think it will they will learn to respect other cultures. I also feel this will show them tolerance for difference and also make them closer as a class.
I would teach different cultures though foods, dance, and outfits. A hands-on approach is the best way because it lets them be in gulfed in the culture. It will show them that our cultures are not so different from their own. By doing this in younger years, by the time they are old it will not seem so hard to put themselves in others shoes. These activities will be lifelong experiences that will affect them through school and beyond. Teaching diversity is the way to make a well brought up citizens in our communities.

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