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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

GIS and Science

The GIS is a good teaching tool because it is monitored by professional scientist. The site is also good because it has many resources that teachers can use to help find information about science. The information is also current within the last couple of years. I like it because it gives other places to find information on different sites. When you use it will reference you to YouTube videos. They have interviews with scientist who have study certain areas of science. It gives you their first hand experience in their study.
The down fall to this website is the level of science that is on the website. The site is a higher level of difficulty. I want to be an elementary school teacher and this website is to advance for my grade level. The books on the site are also a higher level so I would not be able to use it with my classes. If I was to use it with my classes I would have to take it down to layman’s terms for my students to even start to get it.
I probably would not use it for my classes because of the level of difficulty. It would not benefit my class or me. I feel it will make more work for me in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Lillian- That site looks like a great tool! I understand what you mean about being above your students heads but if someone was to teach a high school class or even late middle school this tool would be excellent. Good find!
