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I need all of your help to bwe a succesful teacher. I would appreciate any kind of feedback good or bad.


Monday, February 14, 2011

My Classroom of Diversity

I think this picture is a picture that speaks more to than just teachers. The children are a representation of the world we live in and show how we may live one day. I feel that they are representing a day when we as a world can come together and be one world. I personally want to teach in a school that is diverse. This stems from me going to a school that was that way. I went to Copley-Fairlawn School Distract my whole educational career. In the school distract I grew up with people from all different backgrounds and religious beliefs. I loved my school because it taught me about different cultures early on in my life and helped me to understand them more. It made me more than tolerant, but understanding of people that were different from me.
I want to teach in this kind of district because I think it is what I am comfortable with. I think my ideas there will be taken in to consideration and followed through in this kind of a distract, but on the other hand I could see how other school districts more. I think if I do take this to a district where there is only on type of culture, religious beliefs, and ethnicities they would be more threatened about my ideas. They are the ones who need to broaden their views and opinions. I also think it would be hard to relate the topic to these students because they have no references. I think it would be a challenging that I am willing to take.

1 comment:

  1. Lillian- I totally agree with you wanting to teach in a diverse school district. I am kind of the opposite though. My school district was probably the least diverse you could get. I think because of this i felt almost like i was closed off from a lot of amazing and interesting things in the world. I want to teach in this environment because i feel like it is a healthier environment for all parties and i think it would be super interesting!
