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Saturday, April 10, 2010

School Building

I feel the school building in which I am in is not well structured. I am in a pre-school and there are many stairs in this building. The kids have to walk up and down stairs in order to get to their class rooms and their play area. Since these kids are pre-K and younger they are smaller and it is harder for them to get up and down the stairs. Also their play area is down in the basement and is very cold down there. I feel as though they do not have the heat on as high down there because no one is down there all the time, but I feel it is not as healthy for the students. In the case of this play area there are no windows for sunlight, which can make it a little dery in the basement. I feel that they should have an outside playground also for the nice days outside. It is easy to tell the nice days because the students have much more energy and are hyper. If they were able to go outside and get some of their energy out then they would be able to focuse more during the classroom time. It would be benificail to the students and teachers. It would make classroom much easier because their energy would be taken away and it also gives them something to look forward to. I think this is the biggest flaw in the setup of the pre-school I am at and hope it might be better in coming year.

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