Help Me

I need all of your help to bwe a succesful teacher. I would appreciate any kind of feedback good or bad.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Final Post

My experience in my field placement was truly insightful. I learned a lot about teaching and myself. In the aspect of teaching I learned how to deal with different situations. In my class we had a child with ADD and who liked to act out. I learned how to deal with that in an affective way of calming the situation and not getting the other kids to upset at the same time. I also learned how to stay calm when a million things are going wrong at the same time. Being in the classroom taught me patience. I already had it, but only with one or two kids at a time, but having it with 15 or more is a little more challenging. I learned also that I can be a teacher because I loved being in that classroom so much. Everyday that I had to be there early I did not mind it because see my students smiling faces made it worth it. I feel I felt being with these students I will never forget. One thing that is almost definite is that I do not want to teach preschool. I loved being there, but I want to stay with the my students all day and also make up more of a lesson plan. In preschool I might teach different classes every other day which might make it difficult to make lesson plans because you do not want one class to become farther that than the other class. I loved my experience at my preschool it made my choice of becoming a teacher even more prevalent than it had already been.

Caring Shown through Teaching

My students did really have lessons, but every morning they had a little lesson to learn the day and a different letter a week in sign language. My teacher was respectful of all the kids differences by the way she let them express themselves in different ways during carpet time. In ways her social justices were not always fair. You could defiantly see which students were her favorite and the ones she had difficulties with. Her tone was even different for some students than others. I feel that she was quite fair in the way she taught because everyday she would go around and ask the students words that began with the letter of the day. My teacher would give them all time to come up with a word and even if they did not she would say maybe next time. The ones who came put with a word would still get a good job, but she would correct them. I feel that environment of the school does have that "caring" aspect to it. Everything I have seen around the school as not bothered me about calling out different students. In the preschool all the teachers know all of the students names and call them by name when ever they talk to them. There is always a smile on the faculty and teachers faces throughout the school. The "care" is coming out in full force.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Classes Setup

My classroom is actually a nice size room. I looks like it use to had been one and half rooms and one point and time. In the front of the room is a board with the "Chica Chica Boom Boom" tree with all the letters on it in which the students have learned for the year. Then next to the tree is the calender and the different jobs the kids do everyday. In front of the board is a carpet with the alphabet is on. Every morning the day starts off on the carpet. The carpet is actually quiet helpful because all the transitions that occur start off on the carpet first giving the students time to refocus. Behind the carpet is a sandy box, but it is on that is off the ground. I do not feel that there is any reason to have the sand pit because it is not educational and quiet messy. Behind the sand table is the kitchen area. In this area is a little stove and oven set, a little sink set, a table and two chair, a rocking chair, and a baby table. It is fun to watch the kids in this station in order to see the roles they take on. It seems as though their positions as the dad, mom, sister, brother, and even the dog. The cutest thing is when there are only boys in the station and someone get to take care of the baby. They try so hard to put the clothes on right and be nurturing. Next to the kitchen set is the craft table where four students can sit there at a time. The table is a little half table and behind it is a storage cabinet. In front of the craft table are three table with different activities such as: puzzles, pladoe, and writing of the words for the week. On the left side of the tables is a little library area and that is the set up. I feel this set up is not practical if the was a child in a wheelchair. Also it is hard for me and the teachers to maneuver in and out. I like the fact that it is set up into stations, but maybe a more reasonable way of doing it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Last Day

My last was a bitter moment in my observing experience. When that mornng came I knew it was my last day, but I knew I did not want it to end. I went to the school like any other day, but this day seemed a little different then the others. It was almost as my first day; the emotions over nervousness, insured, and excitement. That morning my cooperating teacher told my students it was my last day. The students faces dropped and the question "why" was coming from all directions. I told them that I would miss them and I hope the rest of their year is awesome. During the day someone was always holding my hand and trying to tell me a story. I felt so much love that day. I felt loved everyday I spent with my class, but that particular day I felt it much more. My students became like my children. I was talking about them all the time and to anyone who will listen. I found me thinking about them in random situations and times. I could not believe how much these pre-schools had touched my heart. I know that they are a part of my heart for the rest of my life. In reality they were my first class that made a lasting impression.

Gym Time

Gym time in pre-school has a lot of chaos and was way more than I thought. When I first went to gym with my students I was a little nervous. The kids have this little bikes and tricycles and they just go around and around in a circle. As soon as I walk in the door my teacher goes watch your toes. She was defiantly right I had to dodge all the bikes to make it to the other side of the room. I felt that this was quit dangerous because in the middle of the room is a play area with soft padding and kids are playing on there. The dangerous part is that the students in the middle sometimes come off the mates and run around with the bikes. Sometimes kids get run over or hit, but no one has figured out a better solution for this chaos. Then about 15 minutes into gym time they park the bikes and are able to play with the different balls in the room. This part of play time is not too bad, but sometimes kids get hit with the balls because kids are playing catch and the others are running in the middle of the catch game. I think that gym time might be better by taking all the bikes away and having other toys for them to play with or have a structured type of gym. To make gym structured they could play different sports that all could participant in or having different exercises they can do.

Butterfly Display

My corroperating teacher put up a display of different insects on a station next to the craft station. This station had a maxinum of two people at a time. At the station the students can look at different bug books about how they grow and the different types of each. Also at the station are magnifying glasses for the students to take a closer look. The students love it. They try to figure out which bugs they know and which ones they have yet to find. The kids come over and show me all the pictures that they truly enjoy and the ones they are unsure about. I like this station because it is the perfect time of the to talk about bugs and explore their world. The part that I would have done differently is talking about different bugs on a daily basis and then the students can look up that bug of the day. It would be more infomational and a better learning exprience. I like the idea my teacher had I just wish she would have expaned on the concept as a whole.

Here Chicky Chicky

My school every year does a project with baby chicks; they bring them in from a farm. The students really enjoy this because they get to watch this life form be born. All of the classes came down for an assembly in order to here about the chicks and how to take care of them. The assembly lasted about an half an hour and the kids did quit well. The woman from the farm talked about why they grow the chicks and how the students should take care of them. The classes are even allowed to hold the chicks once they are born. I feel this was a way for the students to learn where life comes from and the importance of caring for something so precious. All day the students wanted to know when was it there turn to go look at the chicks. Also they wanted to know when they were going to hatch. The older students understood the process much better than the young ones, but the younger ones were more concerned about when they would be here. This activity was creative and informational.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Students

My pre-school are actual very mature for their age in my mind. They have conversations that I had when I was in high school. They walk about who likes who and who is being mean. I can already see the stereotypes of different cliques forming at such a young age. There are the popular girls, the ones who want to be popular,and the book worms. In the boys the cliques are not as dominate as the girls in the class, but you can tell the kids who rather be cool instead of learning in school. In some ways school looks like a social event to them. My school is not culturally diverse at all. There are all middle class white children in my class. When they saw me they were quite shocked in a way, not in a bad way but a better way. I think these children have been sheltered for most of their life and do need more diversity. It will teach them how to be tolerable for others in different ways. In kindergarten I hope they are exposed to more cultures in order to make them well round adults in the future. The students also I have younger parents and are very family oriented. I say this because they talk about grandparents, aunts, and uncles on regular basis. This is a good trait because it will make them more loving children and also they probably succeed in school more because they have a strong support system.

School Building

I feel the school building in which I am in is not well structured. I am in a pre-school and there are many stairs in this building. The kids have to walk up and down stairs in order to get to their class rooms and their play area. Since these kids are pre-K and younger they are smaller and it is harder for them to get up and down the stairs. Also their play area is down in the basement and is very cold down there. I feel as though they do not have the heat on as high down there because no one is down there all the time, but I feel it is not as healthy for the students. In the case of this play area there are no windows for sunlight, which can make it a little dery in the basement. I feel that they should have an outside playground also for the nice days outside. It is easy to tell the nice days because the students have much more energy and are hyper. If they were able to go outside and get some of their energy out then they would be able to focuse more during the classroom time. It would be benificail to the students and teachers. It would make classroom much easier because their energy would be taken away and it also gives them something to look forward to. I think this is the biggest flaw in the setup of the pre-school I am at and hope it might be better in coming year.