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Monday, April 26, 2010

The Last Day

My last was a bitter moment in my observing experience. When that mornng came I knew it was my last day, but I knew I did not want it to end. I went to the school like any other day, but this day seemed a little different then the others. It was almost as my first day; the emotions over nervousness, insured, and excitement. That morning my cooperating teacher told my students it was my last day. The students faces dropped and the question "why" was coming from all directions. I told them that I would miss them and I hope the rest of their year is awesome. During the day someone was always holding my hand and trying to tell me a story. I felt so much love that day. I felt loved everyday I spent with my class, but that particular day I felt it much more. My students became like my children. I was talking about them all the time and to anyone who will listen. I found me thinking about them in random situations and times. I could not believe how much these pre-schools had touched my heart. I know that they are a part of my heart for the rest of my life. In reality they were my first class that made a lasting impression.

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