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Monday, April 26, 2010

Here Chicky Chicky

My school every year does a project with baby chicks; they bring them in from a farm. The students really enjoy this because they get to watch this life form be born. All of the classes came down for an assembly in order to here about the chicks and how to take care of them. The assembly lasted about an half an hour and the kids did quit well. The woman from the farm talked about why they grow the chicks and how the students should take care of them. The classes are even allowed to hold the chicks once they are born. I feel this was a way for the students to learn where life comes from and the importance of caring for something so precious. All day the students wanted to know when was it there turn to go look at the chicks. Also they wanted to know when they were going to hatch. The older students understood the process much better than the young ones, but the younger ones were more concerned about when they would be here. This activity was creative and informational.

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a good experience for you because you get to see what does and doesn't work for the students. You were able to see that while this engaged the younger student’s minds, you really couldn't make them understand. This also shows you that there are many ways to get the students attention and ways to let them interact with things around them. I think it's great that the students were so enthusiastic about this project and I hope you can find something like this when you become a teacher.
