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Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Students

My pre-school are actual very mature for their age in my mind. They have conversations that I had when I was in high school. They walk about who likes who and who is being mean. I can already see the stereotypes of different cliques forming at such a young age. There are the popular girls, the ones who want to be popular,and the book worms. In the boys the cliques are not as dominate as the girls in the class, but you can tell the kids who rather be cool instead of learning in school. In some ways school looks like a social event to them. My school is not culturally diverse at all. There are all middle class white children in my class. When they saw me they were quite shocked in a way, not in a bad way but a better way. I think these children have been sheltered for most of their life and do need more diversity. It will teach them how to be tolerable for others in different ways. In kindergarten I hope they are exposed to more cultures in order to make them well round adults in the future. The students also I have younger parents and are very family oriented. I say this because they talk about grandparents, aunts, and uncles on regular basis. This is a good trait because it will make them more loving children and also they probably succeed in school more because they have a strong support system.

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